Ever since we introduced the Ceado line of commercial juicers, we have been getting inquiries left and right about their performance. We decided to test the largest of the two centrifugal Ceado juicers, the ES-700, and the results are in! The Ceado line of juicers is extremely powerful and a great investment for any juice bar or restaurant. By popular demand, here are the most asked questions about the Ceado ES-700 and the Ceado ES-500. If any question was missed, please contact us and we will get back to you right away!
What are the major differences between the Ceado ES-700 and the ES-500
The ES-700 is larger than the ES-500 and its meant for large to medium business operations that consume over 20 lbs of produce a day. The ES-500 is meant for personal use and for small business operations that consume up to 20 lbs of produce a day. The Ceado ES-700 comes with 2 chutes whereas the Ceado ES-500 only comes with 1 chute.
Can I use the ES700 and ES-500 in my restaurant or juice bar?
The ES-700 and the ES-500 are both NSF certified so they meet the qualifications to be used in a commercial establishment.
Is it difficult to assemble the juicers?
The ES-700 and the ES-500 are extremely easy to assemble and disassemble. Assembly is done in minutes and no extra tools are required. Watch our video below to see it done 🙂
How hard is it to clean the juicers?
Both the ES-700 and ES-500 are dishwasher safe! The only item that is not is the pulp basket. If you wish to clean the juicers by hand this can be done as well. A soft brush is best used on the basket and a soft sponge on the rest of the components. We recommend that you line the pulp basket with a biodegradable plastic bag prior to juicing for faster cleaning. However, if you decide to go without a biodegradable plastic bag, you can clean the pulp basket by rinsing it out with cool water. Do not use hot water since it will warp the basket.
Are the juicers very loud?
Not at all! These juicers are extremely quiet for being both centrifugal and commercial grade. It will not sound like a rocket ship is going off at your restaurant or juice bar so you will not need to wear ear plugs when juicing 🙂
How stable are the juicers?
Both juicers are extremely stable. There’s no shaking involved.
I don’t have a commercial establishment. Can I still get a Ceado juicer?
Yes! The Ceado ES-500 is commercial grade, but it’s compact enough to fit on any countertop, making it perfect for personal use. The ES-500 is ideal for juicing aficionados or for very large families who consume more juice that the average household.
What is the warranty?
Both juicers come with a 1 year on parts and 1 year on labor warranty
Where can I see the Ceado in action?
Please see our video review of the ES-700 below and don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any feedback
Happy Juicing!!!